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We build bespoke websites that celebrate your brand personality
We are an agency that specializes in small businesses like yours. We help you stand out from the crowd by highlighting the things that make you unique. Every website is one-of-a-kind based on your needs.
Let's talk about what we can do to make your website and social media even better.
Just contact us here to schedule a chat!

About Me
Hi, I'm Melissa, owner and lead designer of MM DESIGN STUDIO.
I have a passion for fun, clean design and creating websites that are user-friendly. I range from the modern and clean to the colorful and over-the-top. I find inspiration all around me: movies, pop culture, music, dance, design, and art.
After working as a front-end developer for 20 years in Seattle, Los Angeles, and London, I decided that I wanted to focus on my own concepts by segueing into design: creating websites, product labels, logos, and more.
Based in Richmond VA, my clients range from London UK to Los Angeles CA and everywhere in between.
We love sussing out your personality and creating graphics and logos that reflect your shine.

We create custom websites for you and only you - forget about some silly template! We find out all about your brand, and we use that knowledge to develop a site that helps your business grow.

Want to know more?

We make presentations that come alive and keep your audience engaged:
* 90% of human thought is visual
* 67% of audiences are persuaded by verbal presentations with accompanying visuals
* Presentations with visual aids are 43% more persuasive than the same presentations without visuals

What we can do for